Local News
Concord Community Park and Pool is the favorite place of Concord residents
Concord, California – Individuals from all over the city who are eager to participate in organized activities, swim, or simply to have group picnics travel to their favorite destination, Concord Community Park and Pool.
This is one of Concord’s largest parks, covering 30 acres, and a city treasure. The Olympic-sized swimming pool, which is heated to 80 degrees all year, is where many people learnt to swim.
“When our kids were little, we took them here for swim lessons,” notes Concord resident Hillie Rodriquez. “The swim lessons were awesome.”
The pool serves about 124,000 swimmers each year. It’s also the home of the Terrapins Swim Club and a place for recreational swimming and lap swimming. Check online for the current schedule at cityofconcord.org/634/Swimming.
Many Concord kids have played soccer games here or enjoyed the city’s summer camp programs and recreational classes. Currently available at the park are flag football, volleyball and soccer for many age groups, including the littlest tots aged 2 and up.
Lots of mature shade trees keep the three large group picnic areas cool for groups of up to 240 people. To reserve one of the large picnic areas, visit: www.cityofconcord.org/440/Picnic-Sites.
The park, located at 3501 Cowell Road, is mostly situated away from the road so patrons do not hear the traffic. There are seven tennis courts, two playgrounds and a paved walking path along the perimeter. A website called TennisRound.com will connect you with other tennis players who want to play at this park. The courts are not lighted and are for use during daylight hours only.
Ample parking is available for the many activities going on at the park year-round. But on a recent September weekday afternoon, it served as a quiet escape for a few families enjoying the playground and a small group of children in an after-school sports program taking place on the large field. Coaches’ whistles echoed in the air as swimmers practiced laps.