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Contra Costa Health Services will provide other school-required vaccines at Covid vaccination clinics
Contra Costa County, California – Contra Costa Covid-19 vaccination clinics on school campuses this summer will now offer no-cost tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) vaccines upon request.
Tdap is a required immunization for students entering the seventh grade in California, and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) also recommends a Tdap booster every 10 years for adults. Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis are severe infections that, before widespread vaccination campaigns, would cause tens of thousands of deaths each year in the U.S., primarily in young children.
“With school-age students and their families now visiting our Covid-19 vaccination clinics at campuses around the county, now is the time to get ready for fall and make sure all of your required school immunizations are up to date,” said Dr. Chris Farnitano, Contra Costa County’s health officer.
Anyone who is 12 or older can receive a safe, effective, no-cost Covid-19 vaccine in Contra Costa County. The current health guidance from the CDC and CCHS supports patients receiving Covid-19 vaccine at the same time as other vaccinations, including children.