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Bay Area heat wave: Find a cooling center near you

Local News

Bay Area heat wave: Find a cooling center near you

Concord, California – The excessive heat in the Bay Area has prompted cities and counties to open up cooling centers around the region for a third straight day.

The Concord Senior Center at 2727 Parkside Circle was open over the weekend and on Monday. The city also announced it will extend the cooling center operations to Tuesday. Doors are open during the hottest stretch of the day from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Entrance to the cooling center will be at the west end of the building, closest to the baseball field at Baldwin Park, and visitors were advised to bring their own water and snacks.

Cooling centers were also open in Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara and Marin counties. They’re being set up at government-run senior centers, community centers, parks and recreation sites, as well as libraries and other public buildings.

To help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the centers required visitors to wear a mask and enforced social distancing protocols.

PG&E has set up a way for residents to locate a cooling center in their area. Click here to find a designated cooling center near you.

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Bryan is the Manager and a Creative Director at the Concord News Journal. He works with the editorial designer to make sure the publication is designed in accordance with the company vision. He also works with clients to ensure that their advertising campaign is working to promote their business.

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